Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Deeper Code

Marcus du Sautoy is back on BBC with a three part series where he argues that mathematics is the secret code behind nature's secrets. Though Maths is apparently abstract, yet the behaviour of nature is wonderfully written in mathematical language.

Though du Sautoy confines himself to the conventional quantitative aspect of Mathematics, of even greater wonder to me at present is the realisation that nature (and indeed all life) is likewise written mathematically in a qualitative code which we do not yet even properly realise.

Indeed recently I have come to the view that the true nature of reality is indeed mathematical in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

One implication of this is that nature's ultimate physical secrets cannot be discovered merely through phenomenal investigation of reality, for these very phenomena already embody dynamic mathematical configurations with respect to both its quantitative and qualitative aspects.

One of the reasons why the qualitative aspect of Mathematics is missed is because it does not initially conform to rational investigation of the standard logical kind. Rather it conforms to an appreciation of interdependence (rather than independence) which is then indirectly conveyed through paradoxical interpretation of a circular kind.

So every mathematical symbol can be given a valid interpretation according to two logical systems that are linear and circular with respect to each other. Whereas the former corresponds with quantitative appreciation, the latter relates to qualitative appreciation (indirectly conveyed through mathematical symbols).

Put another way, whereas we now realise that numbers in quantitative terms can be both real and imaginary, the corresponding corollary in qualitative terms is that mathematical logical interpretation can likewise be both real and imaginary. So once again real in this context corresponds with linear type rational appreciation, whereas imaginary relates to circular or paradoxical type rational awareness.

One remarkable implication arising from this perspective is that qualitative type appreciation is directly of an affective kind, that indirectly can then be given a valid mathematical interpretation.

This would imply that ultimately a comprehensive mathematical appreciation implies substantial balance being maintained as between artistic (affective) and scientific (cognitive) type awareness, though the language of mathematics will be be rightly couched in cognitive terms.

In one valid sense, qualitative mathematical appreciation relates to the subtle appreciation of the the true dimensional nature of reality that - apart from some developments in string theory - is not currently recognised.

This would again imply that affective experience provides the direct means of appreciating such dimensions, which embody all phenomena with their unique qualitative characteristics.

Finally it struck me forcibly today that all this gives a new meaning to my interpretation of the Riemann Hypothesis as a statement regarding the ultimate reconciliation of both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of mathematical experience.

So before phenomena can even come into being, a crucial condition regarding the nature of prime numbers must be fulfilled guaranteeing their consistency according to two sets of logic that must necessarily diverge somewhat with respect to the phenomenal world. Therefore the subsequent manifestation of phenomena in nature is already based on deep mathematical principles that precede and ultimately also transcend their very existence in actual form. Therefore the Riemann Hypothesis can have no proof in conventional terms, for the very truth to which it relates already precedes any partial logical investigation either in standard (linear) or unrecognised (circular) terms.

Thus when we probe nature to its very limits, we must eventually leave the world of the merely physical to embrace what is truly mathematical. Indeed the very rigidity that defines phenomenal objects already implies a degree of reduction in the - ultimately ineffable - mathematical principles governing their nature. And this applies most readily to the qualitative aspect (the mathematical nature of which is not yet even recognised).

So the true nature of Mathematics - with respect to its quantitative and (unrecognised) qualitative aspects - lies at the very bridge that serves to connect the phenomenal world of physical form with the ineffable world of spiritual emptiness.

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